New Member Signup
Why become a member?
As a member you can personally take advantage of reduced prices for all our main house productions, including our annual pantomime.
Our monthly newsletter will keep you in touch with newly announced plays, cinema screenings, and social events. If you’re interested in acting you can find out about auditions and if you’d like to help front of house or behind the scenes then it will keep you in touch with how you can volunteer.
Plus, there are other social events such as Tea at the Tali, Friday night socials and much more.
Membership fees:
- Single £20
- Joint (2 people living together) £35
- Seniors & Unwaged £15
- Joint Seniors & Unwaged £30
- Junior (under 18) £10
To join us as a new member, please complete the form below…Existing members please follow the membership renewal links.
Existing Members
Membership Renewal
Existing members already on a Direct Debit do not need to renew. Your Direct Debit will automatically renew your membership.
In order to set up a direct debit either as a new member or as an existing member, you can do so via the following links…
Please select the appropriate link below to complete the Direct Debit instruction:-
To renew or set up payment via another method, please contact the membership secretary at:
Membership Number Reminder
If you have forgottten your membership number, enter your email address below, press ‘Submit’ and we will email you a reminder.
Data Protection
We take the security of your information seriously and have policies and processes in place to ensure it remains safe. By applying for membership, you are consenting to us holding some personal information about you , such as your name, address, date of birth, telephone numbers and email addresses. We may also hold some sensitive personal data for our youth members, such as medical information. We use this information to provide you with member and Theatre information in accordance with our Legitimate Interests. We will not share your data with any other organisation. A member who terminates their membership either by request, non-payment of subscription or otherwise may request that they be removed from our mailing lists. Their membership details will be retained for 10 years in accordance with the Charitable Incorporated Organisations (General) Regulations – 2012. A full copy of our Data Protection Policy is available on the theatre’s website. You may also request a hard copy of the policy, should you wish, from the Membership
February 2022